RA specialist (regulatory affair), Engineer Civil

Резюме 229142   ·   1 февраля 2019, 11:49




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Заработная плата

от 600 000 тнг.

График работы

Полный рабочий день / Вахтовый метод работы



Опыт работы

17 лет 3 месяца




46 лет   (5 июля 1978)

Опыт работы

Период работы

июль 2018 — по настоящее время   (6 лет 3 месяца)


Ra specialist (regulatory affairs), специалист НПО, Отдел контроля качества (QA/QC)


"AtyrauEnergoTechService" LLP


TCO - Future Growth Project/Well Head Pressure Management Project (FGP/WPMP)
1. "Field Facilities.
Gathering and injection System. Production and Gas Injection Well Pads",
2. Integrated Operations Control Centre
(IOCC). Fibre Optic Backbone.
Tengiz oilfield, Zhylyoi region, Atyrau oblast.
Coordinate with client QA/QC, regulatory authorities, (RA, Technical Supervision, Authorship supervision) to reach maximum compliance for project including AFC drawings, Vendor Drawings, QVDs, ACTs, Construction logs/ Prikazes/Qualification certificates, Emission Permits, required documents according to GASK, client Talon according to RoK Regulatory requirements.
• Coordination with client Regulatory Authorities, and response to issues raised by client and RoK Authorities.
• Maintaining tools for RA tracking and reporting process under project scope, including RA registers, matrices
• Verify and maintain material certifications, employee certification’s, Orders, equipment certifications as per RoK requirements.
• Prepare and maintain material certification Matrix as per Project RA procedure, verify RoK material certification s
• Development of RoK procedures, presentations, action plans relating to the regulatory support and work processes.
• Conduct RA and Quality surveillance checks/Weekly Internal audits according to approval from Quality manager at assigned sites regarding proper management of documentations (conclusions, declaration of conformity, Drawings, Acts, logbooks, protocols, registers required as per client RA procedure and Turnover procedure, RoK, SNiP, GOST, VSN, SN standards etc) to compliance with Client and RoK laws and norms.
• Notify and Coordinate with Company site Quality Engineer, Client Quality Inspector, Client Technical supervision to complete ACT, QVDs where ever required Technical supervision signature.
• Provide clarifications and advising services on compliance with client turnover procedure, RA procedure, ROK regulatory requirements for various groups in the company and client.
• Advise project management on appropriate strategies for complying with RoK Regulatory requirements on Tengiz project site.
• Monitoring the changes in RoK Legislation and advising the project about regulatory requirements to be incorporated into plans & strategies
• Interfacing with project departments to discuss the implications of the design changes and RoK requirements to the project with regards to Construction, commissioning, Turnover and Acceptance process
• Provide assistance within the competence to eliminate violations identified by client Regulatory Authorities.
• Interfacing and coordination with multiple other disciplines in the company and with client day to day basis.
• Attend Project Management meetings to provide regulatory affairs support as required
• Participate / conducting of facilities acceptance process and manage the process of obtaining declaration on compliance from Sub Contractors, Conclusio

Период работы

ноябрь 2017 — май 2018   (7 месяцев)


Ra specialist (regulatory affairs), turnover, Отдел контроля качества (QA/QC)


SICIM S.p.a. Казахстан


RA specialist, regulatory and technical documentation specialist
Issue and execution of as-built technical documentation on mechanical and piping, electrical and general construction works in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation, design decisions, procedures and methods of production of works and customer"s procedures;
Completion of the log of production of works and special logs;
Verification of the availability of the required certificates of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological certificates, fire safety certificates, application permits, technical passports and other documents confirming the quality of all materials arriving at the construction site;
Registration and monitoring of the as-built technical documentation in the database. Determination of the readiness of the as-built technical documentation and provision of the necessary information to the company management and the Customer to determine the status of documentation readiness;
Coordination of all issues that require prompt resolution with a technical manager;
According to the instructions of the company’s managers and the Customer, participated in meetings with contractors to discuss current issues within my competence.
to contain documentation all right, regularly to look over reports, поступаемые by e-mail, in good time on them to answer;
to execute labour duties in accordance with the legislation of РК, labour, collective agreements and acts by employers;
to participate in development, introduction and perfection of control system quality in Company;
to analyse information about the indexes of quality on the different stages of implementation of works, to take measure on prevention of providing of works falling short of to the set requirements and norms;
to prepare necessary documents for realization of expert conclusions about accordance of quality of equipment for the receipt of permission on applications of equipment on territory of РК.;
to carry out control after a presence in Company of corresponding licenses, permission, necessary for implementation works;
immediately to report to the direct leader about all defects (educed in the process of activity absence necessary certification and to permissive documentation) and to make suggestions on their removal;
to advise the Company management, in what order an organ on a certification has a right to conduct inspection control after works.
to Give to recommendation on the observance of separate positions of legislation about a certification and receipt of permissions on application of equipment of Company;
to inform the direct leader of estimation of work by the clients of Company;
to carry out co-operating with supervisory public organs;
to register and monthly to make accounting on a certification and extension of permissions; it is Receipt of проектно-сметной documentation from a customer;
Co-operating with all participants, including TСO/ and public organs;
If necess

Период работы

март 2017 — июль 2017   (5 месяцев)


Head of PTO, engineer-estimator, Engineer of Head of Production Technical Department


Kaspi Kurilis LLP


Head of Production Technical Department
Drawing up estimates, certificates of work performed, certificate f3, drawing up of acts for commissioning the facility, checking and accepting the quality of work for contractors, etc

Период работы

апрель 2014 — март 2017   (3 года)


Leading cost engineer


"Kazstroy International" LLP Aktau


Leading cost engineer
Preparation of design estimates for various profiles, drafting of the M-29 form (write-off of materials), drawing up estimates for projects and defects, drawing up of acts of form 2, drawing up a form-reference number 3. Reading and fixing projects in Autocad.Mastering the program of the RSNS RK 2015. (resource method of compiling the estimate documentation for the ABC-4 program

Период работы

сентябрь 2010 — октябрь 2013   (3 года 2 месяца)


Cost Engineer


LLP "Zelmar Stroy"


Functions of the enterprise:
Construction of buildings and structures, overhaul of buildings and structures.
Position: Engineer-Estimator, Engineer of VETmy responsibilities: drafting of estimates for the ABC program, drawing up executive schemes for autocad, signing acts of completed work, forms number 3, signing acts of the state and working commission for the commissioning of the construction site in operation, verification and confirmation of volumes at the construction site itself.

Период работы

январь 2011 — август 2013   (2 года 8 месяцев)


Engineer estimator


ITI group LLP Aktau


Experience: Preparation of estimate documentation (compilation of local estimates, summary estimates, accumulation and defect statements, certificates of work performed, certificates of work performed (form No. 3), signing of acts of the state and working commission for the commissioning of the construction site, verification and confirmation of volumes at the very building object.

Период работы

август 2007 — август 2009   (2 года 1 месяц)


Engineer-cost estimator of VET


LLP "Caspian International" JV Aktau


Drawing up of acts of the working and state commission, drawing up of estimate documentation for different profiles, drawing up of M-29 form (write-off of materials), drawing up of executive technical documentation, drawing up estimates for projects and defects. Preparation and timely delivery of tender documents.

Период работы

июнь 2002 — март 2007   (4 года 10 месяцев)


Deputy Head of the VET




Work experience: Timely execution of acceptance documentation;
Preparation of estimate documentation for electrical work (compilation of local estimates, summary estimates, accumulative and defective statements, certificates of work performed, certificates of work performed (form number 3);
Drawing up power lines on Autocad, (as well as changes in the finished projects for this program).





2000 год

Учебное заведение

University of Aktau after Sh.Esenov


Faculty: "Engineering, Specialty: "Industrial civil engineering", engineer-builder

Дополнительная информация

Иностранные языки

Английский (Разговорный), Азербайджанский (Свободный)

Водительские права

Категория B

Владение компьютером

Уверенный пользователь

Курсы и тренинги

FGP Industrial Relations and culture Awareness;
FGP Induction
FGP IIF Incident and Injury Free training
Operation process Zone (OPZ) Access Training
Hazard Indentification training
Inital Fire Safety Orientation
Initial Safety Orientation Training

Навыки и умения

Certificate of the expert carrying out expert works and engineering services in the sphere of architectural, town-planning and construction activity
GASK, Certification of the cost estimator GASK (city), Engineer-Estimator;

Другие резюме в Актау


от 100 000 тнг.


Помощник экономиста, помощник менеджера

от 250 000 тнг.


Международная экономика и торговые отношения

от 100 000 тнг.


Бухгалтер/ помощник бухгалтер. Администратор

от 70 000 тнг.



от 100 000 тнг.





Менеджер по контролю качества

от 200 000 тнг.



от 150 000 тнг.



от 550 000 тнг.



