
Резюме 225998   ·   3 сентября 2018, 17:57




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Общая информация

Город проживания


Заработная плата

от 700 000 тнг.

График работы

Полный рабочий день / Вахтовый метод работы



Опыт работы

9 лет




51 год   (31 мая 1973)

Опыт работы

Период работы

июнь 2014 — по настоящее время   (10 лет 4 месяца)


Советник по контрактам


КПЖВ Тенгизшевройл


O Manage and chair the kick-off, weekly progress, commercial and all formal meetings with Contractors. A schedule of the regular meetings will be established with RCM who may also chair the meetings.
o Provide input to the Contracts Control Schedule. (CMS).
o In accordance with Field Document Control Procedure receive, register, review and action all correspondence from Contractors internally. Prepare or review all correspondence to Contractors.
o Identify changes in scope of work with Contractor in accordance with procedures and Contract terms.
o Ensure commercial actions arising from revised drawings and specifications are undertaken.
o In conjunction with Site Engineering and Construction manage issue of Field Instructions to Contractors.
o Ensure that change, claim, back charge, invoice and insurance registers are maintained up to date and included within the Monthly Report.
o Prepare for approval contract amendments.
o Process Contractor"s applications for payment, together with invoices, for verification of measurement and initiation of Payment Certificates.
o Evaluation of interim payments and the final account with Contractor, verify compliance with Contract, obtain approval signatures on all Payment Certificates and transmit to Accounts Department in Atyrau Office for onward payment actions.
o Maintain records and co-ordinate with Engineering and Construction departments to ensure that any claims or back charges on Contractors are properly and efficiently executed. Ensure that Project Materials Manager is advised of backcharges to Vendors that arise from work performed by Contractors.
o Liaise with Resident Construction Manager on any items within the Contract that have financial and/or contractual implications.
o Liaise with Site Engineering and Construction departments on inspection and acceptance of contracted work and ensure that Acceptance Certificates are prepared and issued to the contracting parties in accordance with the Contract.
o Initiate contract close out on completion of the work or specific portion thereof, including the Contractor Evaluation Forms for approval by Resident Construction Manager

Период работы

ноябрь 2009 — июнь 2014   (4 года 8 месяцев)


Координатор по Контрактам




O Develop for approval the long list of Contractors for each individual Contract.
o Issue pre-screening and prequalification questionnaires.
o Expedite the review and assessment of pre-screening and prequalification responses.
o Prepare Tender lists for approval.
o Development of Invitations to Tender (RFP’s) and obtain the necessary approvals
o Issue RFP’s to get approved Tenderers.
o During the tender period, receive and review questions from Tenderers, obtain the necessary responses from disciplines and issue tender clarifications (bulletins) to all Tenderers.
o Arrange and attend mid tender interviews/meetings and distribute minutes of these meetings timeously.
o Arrange and attend tender opening meetings and ensure the confidentiality of the opened tenders.
o Assist the tender review process including arranging and where applicable attending tender clarification meetings and issuing the minutes in a timely manner.
o Obtain the results of tender reviews and prepare and issue for approval, tender award recommendations.
o Prepare final Contract documents for award of Contracts.
o Issue contract documents to Contractors and expedite signatures.
o Distribute signed Contract documents.
o Manage and chair the kick-off, weekly progress, commercial and all formal meetings with Contractors. A schedule of the regular meetings will be established with RCM who may also chair the meetings.
o Provide input to the Ariba.
o In accordance with Field Document Control Procedure receive, register, review and action all correspondence from Contractors internally. Prepare or review all correspondence to Contractors.
o Identify changes in scope of work with Contractor in accordance with procedures and Contract terms.
o Ensure commercial actions arising from revised drawings and specifications are undertaken.
o Ensure that change, claim, back charge, invoice and insurance registers are maintained up to date and included within the Monthly Report.
o Prepare for approval contract amendments.
o Maintain records and co-ordinate with Engineering and Construction departments to ensure that any claims or back charges on Contractors are properly and efficiently executed. Ensure that Project Materials Manager is advised of back charges to Vendors that arise from work performed by Contractors.
o Liaise with Resident Construction Manager on any items within the Contract that have financial and/or contractual implications.
o Liaise with Site Engineering and Construction departments on inspection and acceptance of contracted work and ensure that Acceptance Certificates are prepared and issued to the contracting parties in accordance with the Contract.
o Initiate contract close out on completion of the work or specific portion thereof, including the Contractor Evaluation Forms for approval by Resident Construction Manager.





1994 год

Учебное заведение

Уральскимй Педагогический Университет


Факультет Иностранных Языков

Дополнительная информация

Иностранные языки

Английский (Свободный), Русский (Свободный)

Владение компьютером

Продвинутый пользователь

Другие резюме в Уральске

Заместитель директора по финансово-хозяйственной деятельности

от 400 000 тнг.






от 200 000 тнг.





Учительница анг яз

от 200 000 тнг.


Учительница анг яз

от 200 000 тнг.


Учительница сен яз

от 200 000 тнг.



от 150 000 тнг.


Главный энергетик

от 200 000 тнг.



от 70 000 тнг.
