Construction Manager

Резюме 211251   ·   31 января 2025, 10:04




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Опыт работы

34 года 8 месяцев




55 лет   (31 декабря 1969)

Опыт работы

Период работы

январь 2024 — по настоящее время   (1 год 2 месяца)


Head of Technical Supervision Group




Project: Design and Construction of Boisun Gas Processing Plant in the Republic of Uzbekistan, Surkhandarya region, Boisun city.
Client: Surkhan Gas Chemical Operation Company (SGC OC).
Function: Project management of design and construction, commissioning.
Participate in to construction meetings between the Client and the General Contractor.
Project management of Engineering & Construction, pre commissioning, commissioning, start-up.
Issuing “ObservationsNCR” on discrepancies in construction and installation works to the General Contractor.
Providing “Recommendations” while monitoring all works at the Site.
Daily walkdown of the construction site together with Technical Supervision Inspectors (electrical, instrumentation, piping, mechanical, painting, coating, insulation, cathodic protection, welding, QAQC).
Daily interaction with the Author"s Supervision representatives.
Control and inspection of comments of GASN of the Republic of Uzbekistan, timely execution of issues.
Distribution Daily report about “Daily works performed by ILF Technical Supervision Inspectors”.
Distribution Weekly report about “Project Management by ILF Technical Supervision Inspectors”.
Distribution Monthly report about “Project Management by ILF Technical Supervision Inspectors”.
Daily interaction with the General Contractor"s representatives at the construction site, as well as at Contractor"s office at all levels (foreman, supervisor, Site Superintendent, Quality Control Inspectors, Incoming Control inspection, Managers, Director), welding shops, pipe spool fabrication, metal structural fabrication, sandblasting shop, painting shop, non-destructive testing, laboratories.

Период работы

январь 2021 — март 2024   (3 года 3 месяца)






Management of Construction activities.
Management of Contractor activities.
Intercommunication with client engineering staff on the daily basic.
Participating on the client construction meeting.
Preparing weekly and monthly report to managers.
Management and inspection of test activities, namely: hydrotest, service test.
Management and inspection of reinstatement activities on the pipelines.
Management of "Tiger team" activities, namely: work with punch issues solving.
Checked ISO drawings, project specification and documentation, checked "Test pack" of hydrotests; checked of "Work Pack" of SoW.
On the daily basic signed PTW (permit to work), before sign checked site condition.
On the daily basic participated at WD activities (walkdown of site area) and provided status of WD to line managers (Construction Managers).
On the daily basic reviewed HSE (safety) condition at site.
If something wrong at site provided solution to ContractorSubcontractor and informed about it Top managers.
Reviewed "WeeklyMonthly" report from Contractor"s about plaing activities, if necessary provided advise.
Provided technical solution to solve some issues at site .
Communicating with Author and Technical Supervisor.
Initiated to open SI (site instruction).
Responsible for punch list issues.
Responsible for check status of valves, namely: testing of valve regarding project specification and Data Sheet and Vendor requirements, for tag number correctness by P&ID and ISO drawings.
Responsible for check welding joint status regarding QAQC reports and provide agreement for start hydrotest.
Responsible for status of Hydrotest and Reinstatement activities, namely: action done and everything correct.
Responsible for incoming inspection of Vendor equipments, as well as check vendor equipment documentation, namely: is documentation same to Project Specification and Data Sheet of Client or not same, after provide "report to Top Managers" and Procurement Staff of Client about mismatch of equipment condition.
Responsible for check welding joint status regarding QAQC reports and provide agreement for start hydrotest.
Responsible for status of Hydrotest and Reinstatement activities, namely: action done and everything correct or not.
Full time communicated with Vendor representatives about schedule of delivered status of project equipments to site.
Taken under control action about incoming inspection of vendor equipments at site regarding project specification and Client Data Sheets.
Responsible for walkdown activities at site andor modules.
Responsible for cooperation and communication with commissioning site team of KENT (general contractor for commissioning activities at project). Liaised with KENT staff an "hook-up" spotscases, discussed and received acceptation about planning activities, before start the SoW meet at site with responsible personal of KENT at site and taken confirmation for start an activities.
Worked with TCO requirements and spec

Период работы

апрель 2020 — сентябрь 2021   (1 год 6 месяцев)


Superintendent Mechanical Piping


KazMinerals KPBV


Construction area : Aktogay 2, East Kazakhstan.
Project name : Aktogay Expansion Project. Sulphide Plant.
Position: Mechanical Superintendent.
Job function: Client function. Responsible to reporting to Construction manager. Project management, management of construction activities, control construction activities. Finalizing completion of SoW. Signing SIR’s (site inspection request) related to confirming about accomplishment some SoW (scope of works), after that activities changing over to pre-commissioning and commissioning process.
At Project installed equipments from FLSmidth.
Gravity and density separators
Drum separators
Split-case Slurry Pumps
slurry and dredge pump
Vertical Slurry Pump
Ultimate Mill Discharge Slurry Pump
Diaphragm Pumps (durable solution for the harshest conditions)
On the Project contractors used devices for alignment of pumps:
FixturLaser EVO is a wireless touch screen laser system for aligning shafts of horizontal and vertical machines and machinery (performed a wide range of laser alignment work, correct misalignment of horizontal and vertical mechanisms, check "soft feet", consider thermal expansion, lock the necessary feet if they do not move, and apply an active tolerance table with color coding for clarity).
BALTECH SA-4620 is a wireless laser alignment and vibration diagnostics system (automatic detection of equipment faults: Wireless motion sensor to detect soft foot defect, pipe bundling tension and housing deformation; Intelligent 3-axis vibration sensor; universal system for laser alignment of shafts, belt pulley alignment and vibration measurement).
Optalign Smart (Pruftechnik) is a explosion-proof, single-beam laser technology (UniBeam®), alignment of coupled and uncoupled shafts, alignment of non-rotating shafts, alignment of flanged and vertical machines, alignment of universal jointed and intermediate shafts, continuous automatic measurement during shaft rotation, alignment of up to 3 (three) machines, automatic alignment status evaluation, real-time alignment monitoring, alignment of machines with multiple supports, monitoring of soft supports, ability to enter set values of alignment and thermal expansion values, tables of results to check the repeatability of measurements, conversion and entry of hourly readings, selection of fixed supports, multi-point mode, saving up to 500 files of measurement results, Bluetooth module for wireless data exchange between the device and the sensor.
ROTALIGN Ultra (Pruftechnik) is measurement in continuous sweep and match mode (data are taken automatically and continuously while the shaft is rotating, already at 60◦ rotation a large number of measurements are taken in order to determine the exact alignment condition, measurements are taken at any starting position, this method is faster and much more accurate than the 3-position method, alignment mode is ideal for uncoupled and non-rotating shafts in high speed mach

Период работы

январь 2019 — апрель 2020   (1 год 4 месяца)






Management of project
RVU Project (rotational village upgrade project).
Project “Water Treatment Facilities”, EngineeringProcurementConstructionFist production.
Project “New Water Tank-2000m3 and pipelines installation for Water Treatment Facilities”, EngineeringProcurementConstructionFist production.
Project “EP-7 Reconstruction” (evaporation pond #7), EngineeringProcurementConstructionFist production.
Project “EP-7 Reconstruction of SPS” (evaporation pond #7 reconstruction of sewage pump station), EngineeringProcurementConstructionFist production.
Project “Reconstruction of SPS-6” (reconstruction of sewage pump station #6), EngineeringProcurementConstructionFist production.
Project “Construction new SPS-9” (construction new sewage pump station #9), EngineeringProcurementConstructionFist production.
Project “Construction new SPS-2” (construction new sewage pump station #2), EngineeringProcurementConstructionFist production.
Project “Reconstruction existing valve station of SPS-2” (sewage pump station #2), EngineeringProcurementConstruction.
Project “Demolition of Old non-operating Facilities”, namely: power substations, buildings, sewage pump stations, manholes, water treatment facilities, above-underground pipelines.
Management of engineering activities (reviewaccept: data sheets, specifications, drawings, bill of materials, technical requirements of Client, vendor documentations, etc)
Management of construction activities (all activities, sign of PTW, HES).
On the daily basic liaise effectively with TCO TFM personal (Tengiz Facility Management).
On the daily basic liaise effectively with TCO Ecological personal about utilization of underground waters from construction site.
On the daily basic liaise effectively with TCO TFM operation personal about construction activities at site, tie-in activities, hook-up activities, technical conditions.
On the daily basic liaise effectively with Design team about engineering issues and drawings comments.
On the daily basic liaise effectively with Contractors personal and top managers.
On the daily basic liaise effectively with site Contractors personal and top managers.
On the daily basic organized HES meetings with site Contractors personal and top managers.
Management of supply activities (Vendors, Suppliers, transportation, documentations, preservation, commissioning, firs production, etc)
Management of Tender activities (review Contractor offer documentation, contract, etc)
Interaction between team (DCC, LogisticProcurementVendors, HSE, Engineering, QAQC, Electrical, MechanicalPiping, Cost Control, Autor Supervision, Technical Supervision, top managers). Organized kick-off meeting with contractors.
On daily basic checked and signed site diary of construction.
Organized MOM (Minutes of Meeting with contractors).
Under my responsibilities was site representatives: 4 people.
Under my responsibilities was site personals: 400 people.
Reviewed job packs

Период работы

июль 2012 — январь 2019   (6 лет 7 месяцев)


Construction Manager


LLP KPV (Kazakhstan Pipeline Ventures)


Object: The object to be since Tengiz oil-field and to the Black Sea in Russia.
Project: “Engineering, Construction and Commissioning of Export Oil Pipeline with diameter 40’’ (inch) and Pump Stations”.
Project Client: “CPC-K & CPC-R [Caspian Pipeline Consortium Kazakhstan & Russia]”.
Construction area located nearby Akistau village, Atyrau region (from Atyrau 80 km.).
Company function: Project Management.
Job descriptions Functional duties:
Work in multinational collective, personnel of the project multinational:
Control of a construction of “Pump Station Facilities” from zero and transition to first production;
Control of construction of the “Temporary rotational camp” near an project object with all aboveground and underground communications (pipelines, canteenaccommodation containers, diesel generators, industrial base, etc.);
Management and Control of the performed works in compliance of the contract between the General contractor and the Client, as well as Subcontractors;
Management and Control of the performed works in compliance of the contract on Safety measures and Environmental protection (HSE);
Management and Control according to design specifications of the Client;
Management and Control of performance works according to the project specifications, also timely performance of repair works;
Management and Control all construction activities according to the approved "General Project Schedule” related to EPC Contract’s (Engineering-Procurement-Construction +Commissioning +First production)";
Management and Control all tie-in activities (tie-in existing main water pipeline; tie-in overhead powerline; tie-in existing main oil pipeline); installation of main oil export pumps, alignment done by Vendor representatives, checked vendor report about alignment of pumps; installation of submersible pumps and alignment; Note: before start the any job necessary check vendor documentation of equipments (manufacturer"s manual); organization of preservation activities of equipments;
All pump activities related to world standard, namely API 610 (Point 6.3.4);
At Project as well as done construction of buildings as:
Main Pump Station
Pipeline Facilities
Valve Area
Main line pump station Area
Main pipeline filter Area
Pressure regulator Area
Pressure reduction unit Area
Drain Tank Area
Hydraulic impact protection system Area
Compression wave suppression system Area
Sludge pump Unit Area
Water and foam fire fighting facilities Area
Water supply facilities Area
Pump station of the 2-nd Lift Area
Control Room Building Area & Radiation - proof shelter& Guard Post
Power Supply Facilities Area & Switchgear and packaged transformer substation building Area & Diesel Power Station Area & Substation Area 22010 kV & Communication and Electric equipment shelter Area & UTS 10, 4 kV, 25 kVA.
Compressor - condensing Area & POL storehouse & Material Storehouse
Temporary personal living building & Fuel-supply Point
Helicopter Area

Период работы

сентябрь 2008 — август 2012   (4 года)




“Aker Solutions” LLP


Branch office at Atyrau city.
Company from Norway Country, Stavanger city - head office.
Object: “Kashagan, D-island, Atyrau region, Kazakhstan country”.
Company function: Engineering and Construction.
Project “Kashagan Hook-Up.D-island. Caspian Sea. Kazakhstan”.
Work in multinational collective, personnel of the project multinational.
Primary function - enable to start the work according “Job Pack” and it’s completed/finished. Urgent function in my job it is on time to seen any problem and to accept required true engineering (design) technical solutions (to find out the solution of the problems) as well as given support to engineering from Stavanger to developed correct ISO or/and correct “Work Pack”; to correct revision of ISO’s. Checked on identification between proposed drawing and installed pipelines or/and equipments; developed sketches (it means suggested solution) to disagreement drawings or/and installing works, agreement between “Agip KCO” & “Aker Solutions”, .
Before start works checked “Job Packs” and ISO drawings that included within original work packs about correct are material Items at ISO/PID; Job Descriptions/ISO; Notes/Field Welds; also regarding prefabrication spools on the onshore yard, it means spools that delivered from Baku (Azerbaydzhan) or by Kuryk (Aktau), or by Astrakhan (Russia).
Discovered were inaccuracies in isometric and/or proposed drawings. Worked/checked everything action regarding coordinates of pipe spools and/or continuation lines; and/or flange joints etc. Worked/checked everything action regarding Agip “Project Technical Specifications”.
Given myself the technical solutions to Agip & Aker Engineering Groups (representatives) about couldn’t or/and needn’t to change revision of ISO and/or “Work Pack” regarding mistakes into ISO/Work Pack’s, it means bad quality of “Work Packs”, their putted to “Hold” and waited new “Revisions”.
Given myself idea to “fabrication yard” at Kuryk about wrong fabricated pipe spools and theirs prefabrication, it means sent actually information about how shipped/delivered/fabricated/tack welded/flanget/installed etc.
Given is technical support to Stavanger Engineering Group about: asking requests/questions/problems etc.
Given info to Agip KCO representative about works that completed or not.
Given info to Agip about outstanding works/materials/Work Packs, also about the missing materials/works/Work Packs.
Given info to Agip about works that required to do and to than needed develop (or open) new (additional) Work Packs.
To do the work at MIPS (Material Integrated Production System, this is soft program similar with Agip KCO approximately as “IMIS”, that used by them, my digital signature marked as “AIKI” internal of MIPS) with function as: - added into this program new or forgotten or required additional/extra Field Welds; suggested solution (SQ - it means Site Query) so and added additional hours regarding approved SQ; monitoring such as piping site material as pipi

Период работы

январь 2006 — сентябрь 2008   (2 года 9 месяцев)


Project Coordinator (Project Permit-crossing & Approval Coordinator) / Piping Field Engineer


“Punj Lloyd Kazakhstan” LLP


Branch office located an Atyrau city.
Company from India Country, Dally city - head office. Company function: Engineering and Construction.
Object: “oil-field Karabatan, Atyrau region, Kazakhstan country”.
Work in multinational collective, personnel of the project multinational.
Primary function - took Permit to Work for crossing place with existing communications from responsible Owners.
Given assistance to “PRC” Department of Agip KCO about prolongation had “Permits”.
Coordination between State and Property companies about crossing places to proposed pipelines.
Crossing places: overhead power lines, undergrounds pipeline and cables, aboveground pipelines and cables.
Agreement by proposed documentation and crossing works between State and Property companies.
Coordinated dangers works as: “crossing existing underground activated gas and oil pipelines with high pressures”, “crossing Ural River in Atyrau city it means HDD - horizontal directional drilling and other existing rivers”, “crossing existing high overhead power lines”, “crossing existing railways”, “crossing existing highway”.
Connected with a lot of government and property companies about crossing places and them conditions/requirements, it means Atyrau administration departments; Ecological Government department; Gas-and-Oil governments and property companies; Water-River-Fisher Government Department, Highway Police.
Communicated with companies that are offices located an Atyrau-Astana-Almaty-Uralsk-Aktobe, because theirs objects located in Atyrau oblast. Oil-and-Gas Companies: it means “KazTransOil”, “KazTransGas”, “KTK-R”, “InterGasCentral Asia”, “KPO BV”, “KazTransCom”, “Munay Tas”, “KazakhTeleCom”, “Railway Department”, “State Road department” etc.
Everything project proposed documentation (it means ISOs / P&IDs / Method Statements) agreement and/or approved with government departments and/or property companies, regarding mine explain and/or discussing.
Oneself met with government representatives, discussed and explained about crossing places, conditions, norms and rules as of Republic of Kazakhstan and Project Technical Specification, but sometimes was met with companies engineering personals.
Given actually information to Engineering Group about crossing situation, it means if between proposed drawing and actually crossing place had difference. During the Project’s own technical solutions sent to engineering group, such as Dally as well as to Agip KCO engineering team.
Given urgent information to Agip KCO Ecological department about requirements info from state authority to develop “MPD (maximum permissible discharge) Project for export oil pipelines hydro-testing, as in Atyrau and Astana also to London office’s.
Organized meeting on the crossing places with owner’s representatives and/or owner’s offices about problems/questions, or any other subjects and cases.
I had perfect communicated with everybody authorities, as well as I had terrific responsibility for to

Период работы

январь 2000 — январь 2006   (6 лет 1 месяц)


Project manager




Company function: Engineering; Construction.
Work in multinational collective, personnel of the project multinational;
Management of the organization. production and financial affairs;
Management of tender documentation;
Management of the park of the equipment; cars; vehicle and mechanisms; tools;
Human resources management;
Management of installation and construction works;
Interaction with representatives of Customers.
Responsible for punch list issues.
Responsible for status of Hydrotest and Reinstatement activities.
Responsible for walkdown activities at site andor modules.
On the weekly basic organized:
1. Meeting with Procurement team about vendors equipments and materials (its related to construction schedule);
2. Meeting with Engineering team about changes regarding RFI andor SI, andor mismatch drawings that not same with site conditions.
3. HSE, safety conditions at site.
4. ConstructionCommissioningFirst production activities and Schedules.
Responsible for RFSU (ready for start up) confirmation reports.
PSSR, organized and participated on the completion of SoW with finely condition (prestart safety review).

Период работы

июнь 1991 — январь 2000   (8 лет 8 месяцев)


Construction manager


Vedgepser JV


Has been activated on the oil-and-gas field Tengiz area and Atyrau region, Kazakhstan.
Company function: Engineering and Construction, Trust State Company, at the time not existing, was activated at Tengiz oil-and-gas field area also at Atyrau oblast, Kazakhstan. Company function: Engineering and Construction.
Participated of Oil-and-Gas Field areas at Atyrau region:
• Tengiz, Oil-and-Gas Field area; worked at activated plant.
• Kisimbay, Oil-and-Gas Field area; build plant.
• Martyshi, Oil-and-Gas Field area; build steal vertical tank for oil with capacity 1000 m³.
• Old Karaton, Oil-and-Gas Field area; build steal vertical tank 2 pcs for oil with capacity 1000 m³.
• Koschagil, Oil-and-Gas Field area; build steal vertical tank 2 pcs for oil with capacity 1000 m³.
• Sargamys, Oil-and-Gas Field area; build steal vertical tank for oil with capacity 2000 m³.
• West Prorva, Oil-and-Gas Field area; build steal vertical tank for oil with capacity 5000 m³.
Participated on are fulfilled all piping activation; installations, painting, insulation, foundation works.
Participated an install big and small steel tanks for oil and water’s products.
Participated on are install export oil and gas pipelines. Participated on are install trade oil and gas pipelines. Participated on are install water pipelines.
Was responsible for stock of materials and capital equipment at work place, therefore to return are materials account.
Was responsible for took materials from warehouse and resource base, therefore according of invoice.
Were business trips to Samara city of Russian, at the periods 1991-1993 yy.
Responsible for punch list issues.
Responsible for status of Hydrotest and Reinstatement activities.
Responsible for walkdown activities at site andor modules.
On the weekly basic organized:
1. Meeting with Procurement team about vendors equipments and materials (its related to construction schedule);
2. Meeting with Engineering team about changes regarding RFI andor SI, andor mismatch drawings that not same with site conditions.
3. HSE, safety conditions at site.
4. ConstructionCommissioningFirst production activities and Schedules.
Responsible for RFSU (ready for start up) confirmation reports.
PSSR, organized and participated on the completion of SoW with finely condition (prestart safety review).
(Job type had 5x2).





2000 год

Учебное заведение

Moscow Modern Humanitarian University (higher education)


Economical, Bachelor


Среднее специальное


1989 год

Учебное заведение

Volgograd Construction Technical college


Construction technician

Дополнительная информация

Иностранные языки

Английский (Свободный), Русский (Свободный)

Курсы и тренинги

Upgrade qualifications, courses:
Labor Mediation
State Administration Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate received Feb 17 2023, HR Management
Installation adjustment and operation of electrical equipment and power lines
Non Profit Joint Stock Company Toraighyrov University. Certificate received Feb 18 2023, Operation Management
Maintenance and repair of boiler units
Non Profit Joint Stock Company Toraghyrov University. Certificate received Feb 19 2023, Operation Management
Manager of transport logistics
Non Profit Joint Stock Company Toraighyrov University. Certificate received March 10 2023, Project managament
Financial Risk Management Technique
Non Profit Joint Stock Company Toraighyrov University. Certificate obtained on 14.03.2023, Finance
Fundamentals of health and safety at work
State Administration Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Certificate received 23.03.2023, Occupational Health and Safety Management
Certificate № 0034374 confirmation of the Diploma of the Russian Federation (nostrification from 16.08.2023)
National Center for the Development of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bachelor of Economics
Code of Business Conduct & Ethics (BC&EC)
Tengizchevroil, Project Management
Confidentiality 101
Tengizchevroil, Project Management
The qualification certificate confirming about given status of sta

Навыки и умения

POSITION: Construction Area Manager
Additional requested positions (official):
“Vacancy” - at option of company related with my professional (alternative position).
I can consider in addition vacancies:
1. Project Coordinator (the coordination between design and construction companies);
2. Coordinator with "Technical requirements" (the coordination on "rules and requirements which indicated into TR" that received from Public authorities and the National companies (construction);
3. Coordinator (coordination on orders of the Project manager"s Construction Manager"s;
4. Coordinator (the coordination on design of Export Oil-and-Gas pipelines on crossings of the existing overheadabove groundunder ground communications).
I can consider senior positions:
1. Chief of the site construction;
2. Supervisor of the construction site;
3. Construction Superintendant:
4. Construction Director.
5. Project Manager;
6. Area manger.
EXPERIENCE: General experience in construction of oil-and-gas industrial 26 years (1991-2017 yy).
Computers Skills
Operational Systems:
1) Windows 710
1) MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Visio, Outlook, Microsoft Project)
2) Internet Browsers (MS Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, etc)
3) Adobe (Acrobat Reader, Photoshop, etc)
4) WinRAR, AutoCAD, ABBYY Lingvo, PROMT
5) “SmartPlant Reviw 5.1”
Human resource management (700-1000 persons);
Management of collective;
Selection of the required personal at a position;
Management of production personnel;
Project management;
Management of construction;
Training of personnel;
Production planning;
Business correspondence;
Production of installation and construction works;
Quality control;
Project documentation;
Technical translation;
Technical supervision;
Technical documentation;
Acceptance of technical solutions;
Installation and construction works;
Safety measures and Labor protection;
To develop and check WEP (works execution planmethod statement);
Knowledge of legislative rules of construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 16, 2001 No. 242-II "About architectural, civil and construction activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan (with changes and additions as of July 03, 2017)";
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 28.10.15 No. 366-V Modification and additions in some acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning architectural, town-planning and construction activity;
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Licensing (with changes and additions as of 9/29/2014);
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Civil Protection (with changes and additions as of 6/13/2017);
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Industrial safety on hazardous production facilities;
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 17, 2001 N 245 about Highways;
The law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 22

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